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An ancient Moroccan proverb says: “Ask for knowledge even in China.”

Although China geographically is so far, I needed to begin my journey in far-away China.

The country of wisdom.

From the time-honored sagacity of Confucius to the contemporary words of Deng Xiaoping, the great thoughts of China brings together quotations from the wisest, most insightful voice of Chinese history. Nevertheless, still seeking fulfillment.


Omayma Bouatir 

Master of Business Administration

School of Economics and Management





One of the most beautiful gifts that heaven offers me…


China specifically at Shijiazhuang Tiedao University has to be an extraordinary human experience for me.

Although incomprehensible lane, sins are all written in Characters, were allowing me to find the uniqueness and the beauty of this land, to look deeply into each sin, and recognize that behind each character there might be a meaningful story.



MD. Aurongjeb

Electrical Engineering and Automation

School of International Education





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Attending lectures used to be boring in real. However like many other students. I had first-time nerves and missed home far more than I expected. Whilst, the classroom was a very comfortable environment with mutual respect that made me open and embracing the new world in Shijiazhuang Tiedao University.





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Despite all the hard times that we have been through during the pandemic. I was optimistic that my student life in my chosen university Shijiazhuang Tiedao STDU would be divine.

Indeed, it passed well!